Bioforge Smart Phototherapy Lights

Building Better Healthcare.

Our phototherapy lights are cost effective, providing an opportunity for people in both rural and urban settings of Bangladesh to avail phototherapy. Not only is it affordable but it also provides high quality treatment for neonatal jaundice that is both safe and effective. Furthermore, our device allows bedside treatment, instead of NICU admission wherever possible.

What we aspire to achieve

We hope our device will help treat and save newborns all over the country and we promise to deliver more products in the near future that will help achieve our vision of building better healthcare.

  • Emits light of the 460-490nm wavelength
  • Low power consumption
  • Extremely long operational lifetime
  • Affordable
Development Phase
  • Research Completed
  • Prototyping Completed
  • Testing Completed
  • In Production


The device used for this process can be considerably expensive, which usually translates into higher healthcare costs borne by the family of the newborn. At Bioforge, we wish to alleviate the institution and the patients from this additional cost by providing phototherapy at a significantly lower cost, but with better standards of treatment. This would open up the option of safe and effective phototherapy at an affordable cost in both rural and urban settings in Bangladesh.

For more details download our project brochure